I'm a terrible blogger. I forget. I get busy. I don't blog. Sorry.
ANYHOO. My next Stitch Fix is due at the end of next week. This will be the make or break Fix. If they took into consideration my responses from Fix #1 and checked out my Pinterest board I will more than likely keep going. If I get a whole bunch of stuff that sucks again/It's clear to me they paid no attention to my feedback, then I will be quitting. The good news is that I got a referral (YAY!), so my next styling fee is taken care of plus an extra $5. So, I lose nothing if this next fix is crummy.
Remember I mentioned the Haute Look Fall Beauty Bag? Well, it came. Everything was as promised with the exception of the mascara. It was dried out. Which totally bummed me out, so I contacted customer service, just hoping they'd send me a new mascara. They were awesome. Not only did they refund my entire purchase, they gave me a $15 merchandise credit. The Customer service reps were also prompt and incredibly nice. I would highly recommend doing business with them. They're MUCH better than some other flash sale websites I've purchased from.
I've been up and down emotionally recently. Not sure whether it's because of fluctuating lady hormones or because of my life situation in general. I'm trying like hell to remain positive. Last night I watches Planes, Trains, and Automobiles in an attempt to improve my mood. It worked. John Candy and Steve Martin were fabulous. I need to stop listening to morose music on Spotify and instead make my way through all of John Candys' movies.
Anyway, I'm off to attempt some very gluten-y cinnamon rolls. Ta-ta!
The cinnamon rolls I made g-f. I maybe should have made them with regular flour. They're not very fluffy.