Friday, January 24, 2014

Disgruntled and Disappointed.

Hello again world. I've been thinking...

I had a dream last night in which the reciept Stitch Fix sent me for my items was incorrect and when I received the box it was full of stuff I actually liked at reasonable prices. When I woke up I was super disappointed. 

That was kind of weird. I guess I'm more annoyed than I realized. So I made a decision. I decided that instead of waiting for the box of stuff I'm not going to buy to get here that I would ask Stitch Fix directly, what the hell is up? So I sent this message to their customer service department:

A request I had made for this fix and price preferences.: 

I have a couple questions. One, I had requested pants for this most recent fix and I can see by my receipt that there are no pants in my fix. I'm curious as to why, since I don't feel like this is such a specific request that it couldn't be accommodated. I'm a very common size, so it wouldn't be hard to find a pair that fit me.

My second question is this, I have done my research and follow a lot of blogs in which people are consistently getting multiple pieces in each box that are $20 and $30 dollars cheaper than what I'm being sent. I have the cheaper the better selected as my preference for all pieces and yet in this box I'm being sent a $78 shirt. The total with the discount is $225 again. I had this issue with my first box. I complained about the prices then. There's just absolutely no way I would ever pay $78 for a top that isn't a sweater or a jacket. I'm curious as to why my price preferences are not being acknowledged when I know that you stock pieces that are in my preferential price range that I also find attractive. Especially when I see that a significant number of other people are receiving those pieces. Thank you.

The way I see it, I'm paying money for this service no matter what. You get my $20 whether or not I buy something. Why on earth wouldn't you accommodate the items I put forth in my survey? ESPECIALLY the price points. You do want me to buy things, yes? NOW, if I have asked for something ridiculous, like a bejeweled silk blazer for under $40, then fine, tell me I'm crazy. I just feel like it's not too much to ask to send me a pair of dressy pants for under $60. I'm super fucking disappointed that there are no Goddamn pants in this fix. It is what I requested, it is what I wanted. I have a hard time believing that they have none of those in a size 6 or 8. I'm not asking for a miracle here. I am VERY interested in seeing what they have to say in response.

I also decided that I'm going to ask Birchbox why some people got this months "find" and others didn't. They did say once that everyone would get a find. We'll see....the internet is a glorious thing, isn't it? Businesses can't dupe you when other people are sharing their experiences with the world. 

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